Stolen Chin’toka and crew returns, deals with aftermath of Borg attack

Stolen Chin’toka and crew returns, deals with aftermath of Borg attack

Sol System — The Chin’toka plays a pivotal role in the Frontier Day Borg Conflict..

With the Frontier Day incident now widely known on Earth, a story from the events aboard the USS Chin’toka is making the rounds across the news networks. Initial rumors suggested that the ship had been commandeered by a rogue crew of Starfleet officers. However, it has now emerged that Captain Mei’konda of the USS Astraeus ordered his First Officer, Commander Serala, to “steal” the ship to aid in Earth’s defense. This audacious move was reportedly accomplished using stolen codes from Fleet Admiral Wolf. Starfleet has yet to officially comment on the accuracy of these reports.

According to sources, the USS Chin’toka, with critical assistance from the USS Aegis, played a vital role in the final stages of the attack. Federation President Anton Chekov, who was rescued by the so-called rogue crew, provided this statement: “Yes, I can confirm the USS Chin’toka picked up my escape pod and rescued me and my aides. Nowhere in a battle is safe. After I was brought on board I insisted we return to the fight, and I believe it was the ingenuity of the brave crew of the Chin’toka that prevented the orbital bombardment of Earth’s cities by means of intercepting the Borg’s instructions to the Fleet Formation software.”

Following the incident, the USS Chin’toka was observed returning to dock, though Starfleet remains tight-lipped. Eyewitness accounts indicate that the ship sustained significant damage. Unconfirmed reports suggest that the skeleton crew suffered losses, potentially as many as thirteen. Doctor Leenaya Edrei of the Chin’toka offered a sobering reflection: “It just feels like the whole situation was entirely unjust. Why did we get to survive while others did not? At that point, it just feels like dumb luck. It doesn’t mean anything. Only that I’ve been lucky enough not to find myself on the path of a Borg who killed me. Lucky enough I wasn’t on a part of the ship that was badly hit and I didn’t die on the spot, crushed under a large piece of debris. We were all lucky. But the 13 people we could not save did not. It was random, and I can’t help but think it’s profoundly unfair we got to survive and those 13 didn’t. What makes my life worth more than theirs?”

As the ship docked, various crew members were spotted heading to Earth, with some seen in San Francisco, likely for interviews at Starfleet HQ, before making their way to a local bar, Jay’s Bar. Ensign Is’Kah Xiron of the Chin’toka remarked, “As a new crew, the best way to learn about each other is usually over a bottle or four. Thus, I will join my fellow Lower Deckers at Jay’s Bar in San Francisco to drink the night away. Later, we’ll visit Machu Picchu, Peru, by hiking along the Inca Trail. After Frontier Day, most of us could use a little break from technology.”

Written by Aine Sherlock

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