It is time for our trivia challenge once again and September’s Fleetwide chat on Sunday, September 29, 2024, will feature our annual trivia contest!
Here’s a quick rundown of the rules and FAQs for players new and old:
Trivia will run a minimum of 60 questions.
- To earn the participant badge, you must answer at least 1 question (even if answered incorrectly) or cheer on a friend who is playing. Badges are awarded for camaraderie, but not idling.
- The winner’s badge will be awarded to the person with the most points
- First correct answer is awarded 1 point. There is no penalty for incorrect guesses. Some questions may be worth multiple points for multiple answers. Questions will clarify whether they have multiple answers or require specific answers – read the questions carefully!
- If you believe you posted sooner than someone else who was awarded a point, please screenshot your Discord. Different servers in different areas can show discrepancies in who posts first if a lot of people post at the same time. We will award a point for anyone who can show proof that they were first.
- Same thing goes for if you believe you have a correct answer, even if it doesn’t match what the trivia masters intended. If you can prove it you will get a point.
- Anyone can join in at any time
- Please limit chatter until after the trivia is done
- Discord will be set to a 15 second slow mode to prevent spamming answers
- Any putting down of other players or unsportsmanlike conduct will earn a play a kick for the remaining time of the Trivia game and forfeiture of any badges earned. Cheering and good humor are always welcome.
Google searching is allowed, but we set most questions up so that a participant who knows the answer off the top of their head will have an advantage over those using search engines to get the answers up faster.
Questions will start with the general category, followed by the question. Categories are:
- TOS: Star Trek the original series
- TNG: Star Trek The Next Generation
- DS9: Star Trek Deep Space Nine
- VOY: Star Trek Voyager
- ENT: Star Trek Enterprise
- TAS: Star Trek the Animated Series
- PIC: Star Trek Picard
- DIS: Star Trek Discovery
- LD: Star Trek Lower Decks
- SNW: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
- PRO: Star Trek Prodigy
- MOV: Every feature length Star Trek movie, from “The Motion Picture” to Star Trek Beyond
- SB118: Trivia about StarBase 118’s canon
- GEN: General Star Trek canon, something that doesn’t fit in any category
A note on spoilers and new shows: Trivia uses a 12–18 month moratorium on new shows. This means that we will not have questions from the 2023-2024 seasons of the current shows.
We have five, amazing, active trivia masters with us this year: Randal Shayne, Karrod Niac, Theo Whittaker, Laria Herren and Lia Rouiancet. Your trivia masters have provided a bunch of head-scratching questions to tickle your brain for 2401!
And new this year – after our 60 questions, while scores are being compiled, we will have a short tournament of the masters, where you get to cheer on our five trivia masters as they go head-to-head with twenty devious questions for the title of Master of all Masters 2401!
We hope to see everyone in this year’s trivia, whether you’re cheering on your friends, enjoying the questions or going for the title of Trivia Master, everyone is welcome!