ALPHA BRENKELVI II — ‘Oumuamua away teams encountered an array of unknown aliens amidst space battles and archaeological revelations
The latest from the USS ‘Oumuamua in the Gamma Quadrant suggests that the ship’s away teams have had adventures of many kinds. Recent reports suggest that away teams have made contact with multiple alien beings, including those that may be Manraloth and even some, sources suggest, that may be related to modern Bajorans. This connection was emphasized by the recovery of a so-called Tear of the Prophets, a relic long associated with the entities called “Prophets” that make their home in the Bajoran Wormhole.
The recovery of all ‘Oumuamua officers and crew has further been compounded by the non-physical nature of at least one away team. The FNS can exclusively reveal that some ‘Oumuamua officers were involved in some sort of mission to speak with n-dimensional beings, including some interactions which may have occurred only via telepathic contact.
These unique interactions will no doubt require an extensive debrief period, which the ‘Oumuamua is said to be undergoing at Deep Space 9. Cmdr. Lia Rouiancet, a recently promoted commanding officer who until recently served on the ‘Oumuamua, told FNS reporters that “we all came through okay. There was no lasting damage to the ship or crew, and our discoveries have pushed back the frontiers of knowledge in the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants.”
Written by Ossa V’Airu