Resounding congratulations to Jacob, the writer behind Wes Greaves, for smashing the Writing Challenge 2021 with a superb win!
Carving out a beautifully written and presented entry, “Insidious Whispers” shows the delve into the inner self following a traumatic experience, and is definitely worth a read for anyone looking for some top-class inspiration in how to convey deep and meaningful characterisation. Well done to Jacob!
Brian, the writer behind Geoffrey Teller, and our 2020 winner gave us these kind words:
“Marine Captain Wes Greaves, aka Jacob, has been an invaluable member of the Thor’s crew since our launch last year. Through strong writing, clever humor and the application of his real-world experience Jacob has redefined what it means to be part of the SFMC. I’m thrilled the rest of the fleet has recognized his ability and creativity, especially when the competition this year was replete with so many excellent entries! To Jacob I offer my sincerest congratulations and to the rest of the fleet I offer my sincerest thanks!”
Our runner-up is Hutch, the writer behind Loxley, a long-time member of the group and winner of several Writing Challenges through the years preceding this one. He scoops up this badge for his story “Cries on the Wind”, elegantly and heart-breakingly showing the plight of a Maquis during the Dominion War. Wonderfully done, Hutch!
For this year, we’ve also got a special mention for Ikaia Wong’s entry, Klingon Space Shanty, delivering a sea shanty while keeping to the premise of the theme! Well done, Ikaia! It was beloved by all!
All entries submitted to the challenge are excellent, thoughtfully put together, and beautifully written! It’s been a privilege to read every one of them, and each deserves a slice of the praise. Thank you for submitting your entries, letting us into the worlds of your characters brought into the spotlight, and for giving us a glimpse of what goes on behind the characters we see.
The winner, runner-up and judges, are in receipt of one of the following badges!
Thank you again for making this year’s challenge wildly successful and so much fun! We look forward to more amazing entries next spring!
Please drop by the forums to offer these writers, and all our entrants, your congratulations!