Chin’toka defends colonization convoy from vicious attack by the Valcarian Empire

Chin’toka defends colonization convoy from vicious attack by the Valcarian Empire

FEDERATION SPACE — When the Par’tha Expanse Colonization Fleet came under attack, the USS Chin’toka (NCC-97187) and two other Starfleet vessels reacted quickly to fend off the attackers.

The Chin’toka joined the Par’tha Expanse Colonization Fleet, which also included the USS Diligent, NX-87651, commanded by Cmdr. Evan Delano, and the USS Yanktonai, NCC-67205, commanded by Capt. Madison St. Claire.

However, after several days, the fleet was attacked by forces from the Valcarian Imperial Republic, one of the major factions in the Par’tha Expanse.

The Valcarian forces allegedly included two armed frigates and forty starfighters, but for reasons unknown, the frigates never entered the conflict, leaving the starfighters to conduct the fighting. Starfleet vessels reacted quickly and decisively.

The crew of the Chin’toka coordinated with the other two vessels after firing their wing of mixed Valkyrie Mk I and Peregrine fighters, and together they annihilated more than half of the enemy vessels and drove off the surviving starfighters. The brief conflict, however, was not without casualties, including the loss of a family of five on the SS Nairobi, which was heading for the new colony to start a new and promising life.

The Federation forces expected more problems now that they were again on track towards the Expanse, believing that the attack was nothing more than a reconnaissance mission to evaluate the strengths and vulnerabilities of the Starfleet ships and their response timings.

“We’re most especially concerned about the trip through the Jenatris Corridor,” said Cmdr. Serala, First Officer of the Chin’toka. “It’s an effective choke point since it’s the most optimal way of entering into the Expanse and would make a great site for an ambush.”

However, when asked for more information on how they planned to manage such an occurrence, Serala declined further comment, citing operational security considerations. Despite this, she stated plans were in place for when and if this occurred.

Meanwhile, the ships concentrated on fixing the allegedly minimal damage and treating the injured.


Written by Serala

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