As awards season draws to a close, the podcast team is excited to announce that a new full podcast is now available, including:
- the Wiki Roundtable Discussion featuring Roshanara Rahman and Sky Blake with Lazarus Davis and James Colquhoun;
- Captain’s Corner featuring Aron Kells with German Galven;
- the winning and runner-up Writing Challenge entries;
- the Red Carpet Fashion Report with Dassa Alexander-Dalton and Sheila Bailey;
- and much more!
Watch below, or click here to listen on YouTube.
Below is a list of the links mentioned in this PADDcast:
- Writing Contest Winning Entry: Lullaby by Geoffrey Teller
- Writing Contest Runner Up Entry: Time To Move On by Pholin Duyzer
- Awards Ceremony: Days One through Four
- 2020 Awards Red Carpet
- Jalana Rajel Promoted To Commodore
Want to give a shout out to someone in the fleet and have it read for one of our podcasts? Visit the forums here to submit your shout out.