It’s the most wonderful time of the year… for Awards! Great nominations for your crew mates and drum beats from across the fleet show your appreciation for a job well done. Inspiring sims coming from inspiring people, and to that end, we want to help you get the best out of your nominations to fuel that raging inferno of energy and enthusiasm.
Below are some of the best nominations we had during last year’s ceremony that stoked that fire for a win.
Ready to get started? Click here to open the award nomination panel. You’ll find full instructions, including a link to a list of all the awards and their descriptions.
Cochrane Award Nomination for Kayla Drex:
“The mind of a scientist is something spectacular not only do they have to be some of the smartest people in the Federation, but sometimes the whole mission depends on their expertise in their particular field. Kayla makes no exception in this field. Science can be a complex and difficult post to sim, but she does it like she’s a natural. The depth of her sims are amazing and the detail she puts in shows just what she knows about her post. The complexity of science is amazing and Kayla demonstrates that though complex it can be written with ease and explained to even a civilian if needed.“
Prantares Ribbon Nomination for Genkos Adea:
“There are situations that test the limitations of a Starfleet Medical Officer, and none more so than having to provide medical assistance while a ship is effectively sinking. During a foray into a nebula filled with crabs and other deadly entities, Elliot (Genkos Adea) not only performed his role of the Chief Medical Officer with the same dedication to healing and care that we have come to expect from him, but went above and beyond when the team was faced with an impending disaster waiting to happen – a disease, with no known cure, ready and waiting to cripple the team from the inside out. In the most hazardous of situations, Elliot has always managed to not only bring out the best medical care and attention from Genkos, but is also willing to risk his own life and well being for the safety of others, whether that’s fending off a Cardassian raid in a dream universe to haul back fallen crew members to the transporter (see attached sim) while compensating for his disability (only having the one leg), to putting himself in harms way to protect his crew from contracting the deadly Rushtons Disease (see second attached sim). His gift for simming the art of healing, and Genkos’ devotion to it, cannot be understated.“
Strange Medallion Nomination for Jarred Thoran:
“I could spend hours upon hours upon hours waxing lyrical about why Richard aka: Jarred Thoran deserves the Strange Medallion. Seriously. He is THAT spectacular. When life has handed me lemons and I have been run down, exhausted or on the verge on tears, Richard has been there to step in when I needed him to. He never complains, he’s always happy to help, he is always kind, warm hearted and supportive. We also work brilliantly as a team. I can always count on a sage opinion that is well thought out and considered. He brings fantastic twists to our missions and he is insanely creative. He’s a wonderful simmer and a wonderful writer. He has clear leadership skills that he puts to use- in and out of character. He is one of the brightest stars in a sea of bright stars. Where Jarred leads, others will follow. Every single player and character on Columbia looks up to him and marvels. He deserves this award so much I’m not even sure I possess the requisite words to describe just how fantastic a First Office he is.”
Community Champion Award Nomination for Sal Taybrim:
“What better way to foster a sense of community than by having monthly fleetwide chats? This is something that Sal has been running and organising for (well I don’t exactly know how long – definitely as long as i’ve been with the fleet!). This is no simple task, requiring the facilitator of the chat (Sal) to keep things focused & moving along during the relatively short time frame of the chats – I do wonder if at times it would be easier trying to herd cats – but Sal makes it seem almost effortless. Sal is also keeps an apparent ever vigilant eye on the Discord lobby – quickly & firmly stepping in to diffuse situations – helping to maintain the pleasant welcoming atmosphere on Discord. As if that were not enough – Sal also organises the Annual Trivia Contest – one of the highlights of the year! It is evident that Sal puts an inordinate amount of effort into fostering the community that many have come to love, and I can think of no other deserving of the title Community Champion.“
Christopher Pike Pendant Nomination for Jalana Rajel:
“Jess, who plays Jalana Rajel, is an outstanding commanding officer. Serving the ship and crew of the Constitution with dedication and enthusiasm, she makes the ship a fun place to sim. She actively encourages our writers to be bold and expansive in their writing, and regularly provides opportunities for their characters to shine, sometimes at the expense of her own. Warm, gentle and positive, Jess doesn’t seek the limelight but encourages everyone to do their best and work as a team. Very much the ‘Mum’ of the crew, the Constitution would not be the same without her..“