We’ve heard from some members that it the difference between our News Team and FNS teams can sometimes be a little confusing, so we’re here with a quick explainer to help clarify what you’d be doing if you joined up on either team:
Community News Team
This team is focused on helping to populate our Community News on the main website. Content for this team includes things like interviews with current members, updates about upcoming events like chats or award ceremonies, promotion announcements, and new podcast episode announcements.
This team is important for a number of reasons. Because it posts as often as possible (ideally once a day), it helps to keep our website updated – showing prospective members, and Google, that we’re an active community. And it helps keep the members of our fleet updated about important news and events.
Members of the News Team are expected to help write at least one article a month for the Community News feed.
Federation News Service (FNS)
This team straddles UFOP: SB118 as well as our spinoff sister site, the Federation News Service – an In Character journalism outlet reporting on things that happen in the Star Trek universe that we play our game in. You can think of it as another way of simming, telling similar stories but from the angle of a journalist writing a story as if it were for Associated Press or some other news syndicate in present day.
This team is important because it helps build out our shared universe, while also acting as a funnel or feeder site for our role-playing community, leading prospective members to find us by first reading FNS stories!
Members of the FNS Team are expected to help edit the monthly plot summaries submitted by our fleet of ships, and to also contribute an FNS story as often as possible.
Join a team and help out
Both teams are looking for eager members who want to assist the fleet and are critical parts of keeping our site active and recruiting new members. If you’re willing to help out, submit the form below to let us know and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
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