Congratulations Capts. Oddas Aria & Mei’konda

Congratulations Capts. Oddas Aria & Mei’konda

The Executive Council of UFOP: StarBase 118 is pleased to announce that Oddas Aria and Mei’konda have completed the requirements for promotion to the rank of captain!
Three cheers for our newest captains! Click here to head to the forums and add your congratulations.
Currently the commanding officer of the USS Montreal, Capt. Mei’konda is a member with a very long history in the group, having been part of the crew of the Starwind, an community-affiliated ship commanded by Ciara Randor. After a long leave of absence, he returned to the USS Mercury as the helmsman, followed by the Garuda, Invicta, and Veritas playing operations roles until being promoted to the position of First Officer.
The writer behind Mei’konda has been highly decorated as a recipient of the Russ Bar, Scotty Cross, Geneis Award, Nebula Bar, and B-Plot Award.
You can read more about him in these interviews:

Oddas Aria
Currently the commanding officer of the USS Eagle, Capt. Aria has been with our community since 2016. After graduating from the Academy, Aria was assigned to Duronis II Embassy as an engineering officer before being promoted to the position of First Officer.
The writer behind Aria has been involved in the Advanced Starship Design Bureau team, and is currently a Deputy Academy Commandant – having been a very active member of the training team. Also highly decorated, he’s received the TOSMA, Russ Bar, Pathfinder Award, Rising Star Award, Boothby Award, Trailblazer Award, Phoenix Award, Neelix Award, Sheathed Sword, and Strange Medallion!
You can read more about him in these interviews:

The promotion to the rank of captain is a momentous occasion in our community – the result of years of writing, mentoring, and learning the ropes. This multi-step process starts with nomination from two members of the fleet at or above the rank of Commander, an initial vote from the Executive Council followed by a written exam, a practical exam, an interview with the Executive Council, and a final vote from the Executive Council. Candidates must show that they have mastery of the art of leadership, a strong knowledge of Star Trek, the ability to teach, and great simming skills.

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