Did you know that you could play a second character (on a completely different ship) once you’ve achieved the rank of Lieutenant? If you want to sim more than you already are, and have an idea that you want to try out with a new character, all it takes is filing a form and you’ll have the opportunity to place a second character on a new ship in the fleet.
Before you start, make sure to put together a basic bio, and brainstorm some ideas for this character so you can jump right in, once you’re placed. Check the Intelligent Lifeform Index to find a species that is permitted to play for characters. Then check out some of the other ships in the fleet to learn more about options, and refresh your knowledge of duty posts to make sure you know what you’re getting into.
Here’s a few things to know about secondary characters:
- You still have to sim at full-time pace (an average of three sims a week and a minimum of 12 sims a month) for both characters.
- Your new character can hold a rank equal to, or below, the rank of your primary character.
- Awards and badges are applied to you, as a writer, not to your characters. Service Ribbons apply only to the character they’ve been given to and can’t be transferred to secondary characters.
Ready to start your new character? Click here to fill out the secondary character form to get started.
It may take a few days to get a response for your form. Please be patient while we work on your request.