What’s going on with the sim archive?

What’s going on with the sim archive?

It’s been a little while since our sim archive stopped updating, so we wanted to check-in with members of the fleet to provide an official update on what’s going on.
The sim archive was built by a former member of the fleet. We didn’t expect, when it was built, that it would require too much maintenance as system works quite simply. Unfortunately, the underlying software that the archive was built on is no longer compatible with our server architecture, and as such, it stopped reliably pulling sims into the database and displaying them.
The archive of sims is still in tact. While we are fully aware that there are gaps in the database from sims that were not properly insert when the archive was originally set up, the vast majority of sims are available and safe in our database.
In addition, we’re still actively compiling sims from each group. We’ll continue to do so in preparation for a re-launch.
A dedicated member of the fleet is working on coding an entirely new sim archive interface and administrative panel. We’re hoping to see the final version by mid-to-late November.
In the meantime, you can always review your ship’s sims from the Google Group. Each sim you receive from your ship’s list should have a link to the archive at the very bottom.

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