January 2016

Donation thanks to Tsuki Kazeyama
A huge thanks to another first-time donator: Tsuki Kazeyama. With this donation, we’ve crossed the 30% threshold for our 2016 hosting costs, due in May of 2016! Can you donate

Poll of the Week: Selling A Dream
A friend of mine has recently started up a company and has been trying her best to sell it to those she knows as well as strangers. She has found

Publicity Project: What do you love about our community?
Each month, the Publicity Team posts an easy task you can do to help with our community’s publicity efforts, which are incredibly important in growing our fleet, keeping ships stocked

New Academy Graduates
Please welcome our newest Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: Ronan Alekos, Azure Dawn and Michele Tonston!

Starfleet captain killed; crew searches for answers
DARVO V — After Fleet Captain Aron Kells was reported killed-in-action after an attack on his captain’s yacht, his crew aboard the USS Invicta have been searching for the perpetrators.

Promotions for December
The staff of UFOP: StarBase 118 would like to take a moment and recognize the officers – please be sure to congratulate these folks when you see them around the

Donation thanks to Rune Jolara
Many thanks to Rune Jolara who just made her first donation to our community! We’re so thankful for our dedicated members, whose generosity sustains this community. We’re now 36% toward

Join Us for the Fleetwide OOC Chat Today!
End of the year awards! Fleetwide Plot Arc updates! Happy New Year greetings and much more! The kickoff January chat today will be great for players new and old to

Graphic Contest: Last call for your entries!
The new year has been entered, which means you have less than one month left to enter the Graphic Contest! The theme for this round of the StarBase 118 Graphics

Donation thanks to Cory Stoyer
Another donation from a first-time contributor: Cory Stoyer! Many thanks to him for his generosity. Our website stays online entirely through the support of our members, and all donations go
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports

Civilian reporter joins USS Chin’toka, stirring controversy

USS Artemis Returns to Deep Space 224 for Shore Leave

Starfleet Infighting and Desperation Mark Federation’s Fragile Defence Against Lattice Alliance
Latest News

Award Winner – Is’Kah Xiron, Chin’toka (Xalor Clan Xifilis Award)

OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.