This is a TEST of the EMERGENCY GRAMMAR SYSTEM. This is only a test. If this had been a real grammar emergency, you would have been directed to the closest grammar textbook or website for further instructions!
So, what do you do here? Take a minute and record your answers. Then, stay tuned to your email box the answer sheet to see how many you got right. Miss a few? This tutorial includes helpful information on common grammatical errors and how you can avoid committing a crime of grammatical proportions!
1. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. I see a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s probably a mirror.
b. I see a light at the end of the tunnel; it’s probably a mirror.
c. I see a light at the end of the tunnel it’s probably a mirror.
d. I see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s probably a mirror.
2. I think you left ______ combadge in my quarters.
a. your
b. you’re
c. yur
d. yours
3. I can’t believe ______ going to let him return to duty so soon after his injury.
a. their
b. they’re
c. there
d. they
4. Can you get to ______ inner components?
a. it
b. its
c. it’s
d. it is
5. ______ tricorder is that on the shelf?
a. Whose
b. Who’s
c. Who
d. Whos
6. Do you know ______ going to go ______ the jeffries tube to fix it?
a. whose, through
b. who’s, through
c. whose, threw
d. who’s, threw
7. Go over ______ and get ______ scans before they leave.
a. there, their
b. they’re, there
c. there, they’re
d. their, there
8. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. Do you know what to do when no one else shows up to a briefing?
b. Do you no what to do when no one else shows up to a briefing?
c. Do you know what to do when noone else shows up to a briefing?
d. Do you no what to do when noone else shows up to a briefing?
9. He ______ the light from the suns of at least ten different planets.
a. seen
b. saw
c. has seen
d. see
10. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. Is the new discovery that of a intelligent species?
b. Is the new discovery that of an intelligent species?
c. Is the new discovery that of a intelligent specie’s?
d. Is the new discovery that of an intelligent species’?
Test Your Grammar Knowledge Here!
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