Someday… just when is someday? Some experts in our community, the many Captains and command level staff, will tell you that the process can be as involved or as hard as you make it. The one thing that will determine the expediency of your promotions throughout your service aboard your vessel is, simply put, going that extra mile. Perhaps you may recall, from an earlier feature interview with Fleet Captain Toni Turner, that participating in extra activities such as the Image Collective or the News Team would certainly aid in your efforts to better your character, but maybe not in the sense that one might think. Participating in whatever you can get your fingers into simply shows people that you want to be active, and you enjoy doing this (being a part of the UFOP: SB118 community), and that’s what makes Captain-grade simmers.
But simming is also a HUGE part of the promotion evaluation and process. Writing great sims, and utlizing your resources to help you write great sims, also reflects on your ability to attain rank. Now this doesn’t mean that you have to be a novelist to attain the rank that you’ve always yearned for. This simply means a few things: 1. You can stay focused on the task at hand, and can keep freelancing to a minimum. It’s okay to sim for your character when they’re by themselves, or on the holodeck enjoying some artifical rays, but there’s always a time and a place for that. Keeping your head in the game is crucial. 2. The simple stuff: spelling, grammar and format. Making sure you have a scene description, are using the script style format, and are crossing those T’s and dotting those I’s are just simple things you can do to make sure your sims are top notch. 3. Use the best resources you have: your mentor and your Captain. These people are in their given positions for a reason, and the reason why you should go to them doesn’t need much of an explaination. Whenever there is an issue or question that you need answers to, don’t wait, ask now! There are no better people to advise you on how to attain your next commission.
To branch off of simming, make good use of the writing challanges, top sims contests and other writing avenues that our forums have to offer. There are also always other budding Ensigns in our community that are looking for the same thing, so get to know some people and talk to them. Making your own vocie heard is some of the best advice that anyone can give. Getting yourself out there will keep you in the loop, and esure that you’re able to participate enough to reach your goals. Going that extra mile can be as hard, easy, fun, or disheartening as you want to make it. The fact of the matter is that if you give to the community, show you want to be involved, and keep those sims nice and polished, you’ll be on the road to your next rank in no time. Until next time, chin up, and keep on simming, Ensigns!
For additional reading on rank and promotion click here!
That Extra Mile: The Ensign’s Guide to Promotion
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