Publicity Team Monthly Update: October 2012

Publicity Team Monthly Update: October 2012

This month has gone by quickly, but it’s brought a few changes to the Publicity team. While we are still working hard at bringing in new members ahead of the new movie, which is due out in May of 2013, we have also taken some steps to spotlight our members in some new ways. Perhaps the most prevalent of these is the launch of our new writing spotlight site,
When you visit the new site, you’ll see a few things have been included there. First, you’ll see something called ‘Alexander’s Story’. Since sometime last year, Lt Commander Alexander Matthews has been writing a monthly cliffhanger that he adds on to each month. From now on, these story additions will be kept on this site, so be sure to visit each month to get the latest update on his story. You’ll also see, on the site, that all writing challenge submissions and the winners of each Top Sims round are published there. Finally, you’ll see a category for original fiction, written by our members just for fun, and a new column, called the Worlds of Starbase 118.
The website is welcome to anyone who wishes to write something for it; you can do an ongoing story like Commander Matthews, or you can opt for a one time story or sim to be published under original fiction. We welcome everything – so if you are interested in participating, please contact Captain Kalianna Nicholotti and let her know!
The publicity team has also welcomed a couple members to the team this month: Lt Commander Tallis Rhul and First Lieutenant Joseph Dubeau. Welcome to both of you!
Finally, congratulations to Lieutenant T’mihn once again for topping the participation points chart this month. Thanks to every member of the team, however, for the hard work and effort they’ve put into helping put Starbase 118 on the internet map for everyone to see!
And we’re always looking for new members. If you’re interested in joining us, whether you have a few minutes or more to give, we’re always happy to have you on board. Contact Lt Commander Alexander Matthews for more information on what we do and how to get involved today!

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We are a free, fun, and friendly community of Star Trek fans who write collaborative fiction together. It’s easy to join – we’ll teach you everything you need to know!

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