The General Awards list for 2010 is now available! Below are all the recipients of General Awards for this past year. Please congratulate your peers on their accomplishments!
- Ens. Charisse Ocran: TOSMA I
- Lt. JG. Tanjar-Ongra: TOSMA II, Silver Palm
- Ens. Teagan: Scotty Cross
- Lt. Cmdr. David Whale: Neelix Award
- Lt. JG. Tildaen Ethelwin: The Nebula Bar
- Ensign Pandora: TOSMA I
- Lt. Cmdr. Ben Brown: TOSMA II
- Lt. Raj Blueheart: TOSMA 1, Sheathed Sword
- Cmdr. Mitchell: Purple Star
- Lt. Cmdr. Karynn Ehlanii: TOSMA I, The Silver Palm
- Lt. Tenzin Zhou: The Purple Star, B-Plot
- Lt. Tracey Townson: TOSMA II
- Lt. Cmdr. Darius Clack: The Scotty Cross
- Lt. Cmdr. William Rogers: The Neelix Award
- Lt. JG. Sturm Kobylarz: Barclay Bead
- Lt. JG. Jassa Lenari: The Scotty Cross
- 1st Lt. Miles Unum: TOSMA II, The Silver Palm, The Nebula Bar
- Lt. Cmdr. Tallis Rhul: TOSMA 1, The Neelix Award, The B-Plot Award
- Lt. Ann Readdy: The Barclay Bead
- Lt. Katy Orman: TOSMA I, Silver Palm
- CPO Radi Rais (Alleran Tan): TOSMA II, Sheathed Sword
- Ens. Elya Tali: Barclay Bead
- Ens. Tressa: Purple Star, Nebula Bar
- Lt. Cmdr. Ash MacKenna: Neelix Award
- Lt. Kevin Breeman: Merria Medallion, The B-Plot Award