Whether you write for school, work, or play, you probably realize that more time goes into making sure that whatever you wrote is correct in every way. That means that you have to spend lots of time editing, proofreading, and checking to make sure that the formatting is correct. For those in school, you are faced with the need to cite your sources appropriately. Those who write for work have to ensure quality or face a dip in profits or revenue. All of which can add up to a very stressful, and mistake prone, time of writing.
But we write for fun, so why do we need to worry about all of this?
Despite the fact that StarBase 118 is not a group where you have to use perfect English, it is still important to put out the very best sims that you can. The high quality and level of sims put out from members of all ships in the Fleet is perhaps, one of the biggest things that sets us apart from other groups and games out there. As such, it is a good idea to hone and polish those writing skills every once and a while.
And that is the very reason behind the Online Education Database’s 150 Resources to Help You Write Better, Faster, and More Pervasively. From citation styles that students are frequently required to use, to creative writing and writing skills resources, this list is probably one of the most inclusive lists online today. No matter what your question might be, something on this list can help lead you to the answer. Looking for helpful tips on general writing or even creative writing? This list covers that too.
So take a moment to peruse the list and see if you can’t learn something new about writing that you can bring with you into your sims.
Photo Cr. http://www.kollewin.com/blog/flexible-keyboard/
Endless Resources to Help You Write Better, Faster, and Farther!
Endless Resources to Help You Write Better, Faster, and Farther!
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