All our ships have a number of shuttlecraft aboard for away missions, short trips, research, and recreation. In this case, one size does not fit all! Here are a few of the shuttlecraft most commonly used:
- Type 6: Slow short range shuttlecraft. Very easy to pilot, even appropriate for untrained civilians. Typically unarmed.
- Type 7: Short to medium range shuttlecraft. Typically unarmed.
- Type 8: Short range shuttlecraft, designed especially for scientific missions. Typically unarmed.
- Type 9 (Class 2): “fast, maneuverable, but not built for comfort.” These are for long-range travel. Equipped with phasers.
- Type 11: A large heavy-duty shuttlecraft for long-range travel. Equipped with phasers and photon torpedoes.
- Type 15: Fast small shuttlepod with room for only one or two pilots.
- Type 18: Fast small shuttlepod with room for two pilots and four passengers.
More information about shuttles is available on Memory Alpha.