Taskforce in Focus – Wiki Ops Squadron
The Wiki Ops Squadron is a group of members that help organize efforts to keep the wiki updated (such as on the Face List, crew history pages, various duty post
Display your awards on your wiki profile
Awards are an integral part of the Starbase 118 experience. While we work hard to sim and weave a story that brings our imagination to life, acknowledgement for tackling some
Fleet News Service Now On the Wiki
The fleet’s wiki has a new addition, thanks to Lt. Commander Roshanara Rahman (a.k.a. Rich). In the “Browse 118 Wiki” section just underneath all the fleet’s ships on the main
All About You: Memory Book 118!
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to learn more about the players who drive this game? What if there was a way for you to share more
Featured Bio: What’s This all About?
This month, the Featured Bio Contest Team would like to shed a little more light on the process and the people behind the contest. As such, we’d like to introduce
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports
Starfleet discovers ‘impossible’ ancient life on rogue planet
Latest News
Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
Lower Decks: Civilian Science Liaison Samantha Richards, Amity Outpost
OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.