Did you know? Easily see all the new forum posts you missed

Did you know? Easily see all the new forum posts you missed

We started our forums in 2001 almost seven years after were founded. Since then, we’ve added lots of new forum areas, like the ones for our ships, our duty posts, and Academy training.
With so many forums it’s easy to get a bit overwhelmed if you’ve been away for a few days. Where to start getting caught up?
Thankfully there’s a super-simple feature on the forum that makes it easy to see has been posted since the last time you were on the forums. Just click the “Unread Content” button near the top of the page:

You’ll then see a list of all the newly updated threads, sorted from most recent to oldest, since you last clicked on something on the forums.
I find it useful to use this as my primary bookmark for the forums, so I can quickly see what’s new!

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