The Top Sims Contest third round run-off is now open for voting. The winning sims from rounds 13 – 18, as selected by our panel of judges, are posted and ready to be voted on by our community. Your votes will determine which sim will go on to the final run-off round to determine the best sim of the year.
So head over to the Top Sims Contest page and make you voice heard.
And while you’re there, be sure to congratulate the each round’s winner:
- Round 13: Diego Herrera, “Super Brother”
- Round 14: David Whale & Oliver Weston, “Namesake”
- Round 15: Tyr Waltas, “Lost Time”
- Round 16: Javan Tark (Liam Frost), “Curtains Up”
- Round 17: Greir Reinard & PNPC Chen, “Come Hell And High Water”
- Round 18: Rahman & Chaun, “Falling Away”
Finally, don’t forget to nominate some of the great sims that our community is constantly producing. Round 19 is open for submission.