Star Trek: Infinite Space

Star Trek: Infinite Space

Star Trek: Infinite SpaceInfinite Space is first browser based Star Trek MMO, suitable for quick launch break assignments as well as long exploration nights. The game will be free to play, with no program or subscription fee. You will not need client software to install, just go to with your chosen browser and play.
Rarity is the fact that Mac users can finally compete with PC users or even play in coop-mode.
In a game you will be a Captain of your own ship, running missions and exploring the Universe. You can do missions on your own or join up with fellow Captains for cooperative game play. PvP dedicated sectors will be open for those who want to check their skills against other players.
Gaining levels you will gather better equipment for your ship, building up your crew and mastering skills.
The Game will be using Unity3D (browser plug-in).
Here under “Select a Ship” section you can browse through the selection of ship models used in a game. You can explore chosen ship from afar or zoom in and from all the sides (yes I spent too much time playing with it).
Down on the same page you can see the selection of Wallpapers, Sounds, Screenshots and original artworks from the game, together with official Trailer and FedCon XX Greeting by Mike and Denise Okuda.
The game developers are announcing Beta-Test opening soon, so if you want to be a part, go to Newsletter page and sign up as soon as possible.

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