May 23, 2007

Mar./Apr. Writing Challenge Winner

Congratulations to Toni Turner (“The Spoils of Deception”), winner of the Mar./Apr. ’07 Writing Challenge! Runners-up for the contest were Nemitor Atimen (“The Choice”) and Charles Hawk (“Life of Lies”).

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Promotions for April

I know these are a bit late, but nonetheless we would like to congratulate the following officers on their April promotions: Alexander Hutton to Lieutenant JG, Allen Cruise to Lieutenant

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New Academy Graduates

Please welcome our newest class of Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet! Daniel Wood, Ashton Bendix, and Sovel!

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Thanks to Robin Phoenix!

Many thanks to Robin Phoenix for his continued generous donations! The funds will go to good use helping to pay for website hosting!

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