USS Drake
The Drake Through December
In the wake of the Klingon Invasion, the USS Drake continues on her mission of finding and reactivating an ancient xeno sensor network deep in uncharted space. The newest beacon
November Plot Summary: USS Drake
As the crew of the USS Drake do their best to pick up and carry on after their harrowing encounter with the Klingon raiding party, Starfleet sends new orders. Captain
Service Ribbons for October
Service Ribbons are in-character awards presented to characters for acts of heroism and participation in plots and campaigns. Ribbons can be received at any time, but are generally presented alongside
October Plot Summary: USS Drake
After activating an ancient Ishkarian sensory array at “Gate Way Station,” the combined crews of the USS Drake and the USS Avandar found themselves in battle against a Klingon task
September Plot Summary: USS Drake
The outbreak of hostilities between the Klingons and the remnants of the Romulan Empire has added urgency to the crew’s mission to reactivate an ancient Ishakarian sensor array. Once activated
August Plot Summary: USS Drake
Shore leave for the crew of the USS Drake NC-1987 comes to a dramatic conclusion with the successful completion of the SAR unit rescue training and the postponement of the
June Plot Summary: USS Drake
With the political situation within the Jektim Imperium deteriorating rapidly, the crew of the USS Drake, NCC 1984, struggles to keep the peace between the three factions vying for power.
May Plot Summary: USS Drake
The Jektim Imperium — a fully independent star system in the heart of Federation space — is in crisis. With the death of the man who ruled the Imperium for
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Latest Mission Reports
Multiple Members of USS Ronin crew trapped throughout time amidst temporal incident at B’hala
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Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
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