lower decks
Lower Decks: LtJG William Tindall
Today on the Embassy/ Thunder Hotseat is one of the security officers: LtJG William Tindall and Dave the SAR dog! Welcome Mr. Tindall and Dave! Thank you, say hello Dave. Your
Lower Decks: Ensign Kaleo O’Kalani
Here again is another edition of Lower Decks, featuring Ensign Kaleo O’Kalani, a budding helmsman aboard the USS Apollo. O’Kalani was assigned to the ship but a few weeks ago,
Lower Decks: Ensign Harold Foster
We’ve all heard the names. The names of those who’ve made this community great are plentiful, but there are quite a few other names that we may not hear about
Lower Decks: Lieutenant Skyleena(Sky) Blake
In this installment of the Lower Decks, we are take an in depth look at the character of Skyleena Blake. The Sky is a hybrid of the Brekkian and Betazoid
Lower Decks: Lieutenant (JG) Jaxon Mc Ghee
In the realm of line officers, the ones on the bottom are usually looked at last, yet they are the ones that keep the ship alive. In this segment of
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