Anath G'Renn
Anath G'Renn
Poll of the Week: Position Your Character Is LEAST Suited For?
Not even Starfleet officers can be brilliant at everything. The years upon years of schooling Academy cadets undergo are grueling to be sure, but, upon graduation, the vast majority of
Poll of the Week: Starfleet Insecurity
Starfleet seems to have a problem with keeping their ships safe. In a fight between ships, a Starfleet ship can usually hold its own. The problems begin when someone gets
Poll of the Week: Promotion to the Center Chair
One of the biggest steps in a Starfleet officer’s career is the promotion to the rank of captain. Given that such a promotion might come with a change in assignment
Poll of the Week: Safety Protocols Disengaged
Insurance for Starfleet ships would be a nightmare. The ships are constantly investigating dangerous anomalies and getting into fights. But that’s not even the most dangerous thing that a Starfleet
Poll of the Week: Shortcut of the Week
The most important aspect of the overall story of Voyager was the distance of their journey back home to the Alpha Quadrant. Shortening the distance that the ship had to
Poll of the Week: Medical Officer by Day, Secret Agent by Night
The holodeck is one of the most versatile pieces of technology at Starfleet’s disposal. When you use the holodeck, there is a nearly limitless amount of resources at your disposal.
Poll of the Week: Cloaking Device Sold Separately
The Romulans, Cardassians, Klingons, and Ferengi all have very distinct styles of ship design. However, most ships share the same essential elements: There is almost always a bridge, some form
Poll of the Week: It’s Been a Long Road…
Of all the famous Starfleet captains, there are few who have made as many controversial decisions as Captain Jonathan Archer of the NX-01. Archer’s Enterprise was the first warp five
Poll of the Week: À la carte
If you are looking for something to eat on a ship with replicators there is no shortage of options. Starfleet replicators have a massive library of recipes from across the
Poll of the Week: Reunification
In the distant past, Romulans and Vulcans were one. Romulans did not exist for centuries of Vulcan history. Only during the Age of Surak did the Romulans begin as their
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Starfleet discovers ‘impossible’ ancient life on rogue planet
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Award winner – Jocelyn Marshall, USS Gorkon (Okuda Award)
Lower Decks: Civilian Science Liaison Samantha Richards, Amity Outpost
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