The Chin’toka Takes On New Possible Threat In The Partha Expanse

The Chin’toka Takes On New Possible Threat In The Partha Expanse

Paldor II, Partha Expanse – Attack on Deep Space 26 Reveals New Details

After responding to a distress call from Deep Space 26, the USS Chin’toka made some disturbing discoveries about the attack. The rescue mission, though relatively successful, ended with the destruction of the Chon station. It was later learned that sabotage by a Romulan operative aboard the station was to blame for the loss. This represents a possible new incursion by the Romulan Free State into Federation interests in the region. There was also evidence of potential bio weapons in use during the attack.

Early reports indicate that there is tension brewing between the major factions of the Pa’rtha Expanse and with a new threat possibly arising, FSN will be keeping a close eye on the region for any updates.

Once the situation was contained, the crew of the Chin’toka began advising on reconstruction and repairs of the lunar base on Paldor II. The base received a fair amount of damage in the attack as well. Early concerns with powering the base without losing ground on research projects being conducted at the base are being addressed. There is also word that the medical and science departments of the Chin’toka have been addressing the potential bio-weapons. Meanwhile, the crew is taking a break from the action.

The Romulan Free State has been quiet since their infiltration of Starfleet Security HQ was revealed in 2399 and the stand-off at Ghulion IV. This was the first major Romulan operation against the Federation since 2397. In that time the Hobus Supernova rescue effort, and later the agreement over possession of The Artifact, seemed to be leading to a more peaceful co-existence, but it would appear that elements within the Free State are going back to their old ways. An attempt was made to broker a peace between the Free State and the Romulan Republic in mid-2400, however, the peace agreement has since collapsed. This marked a setback in efforts to unite various Romulan factions that have been left in a state of disorganization.

Written by Aine Sherlock

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