Multiple Members of USS Ronin crew trapped throughout time amidst temporal incident at B’hala

Multiple Members of USS Ronin crew trapped throughout time amidst temporal incident at B’hala

Bajor, Varied – After losing contact with the USS Ronin search teams in B’Hala strange temporal anomalies began being noted.

Both Ranjen Gruvush Vane and Lieutenant JG Vailani have reportedly been able to notice numerous and varied changes to Bajoran history in part due to an artifact that was previously recovered at the site. While attempting to determine the fate of the mission search teams led by Captain Karrod Niac, Lt. Commander Alieth and Lt. Commander Kirsty Carpenter. At this time it is believed that each team was somehow scattered throughout Bajoran history after an immense flash of light was seen at B’hala.

While this reporter was unable to find any of the crew for comment, ancient scrolls and cave paintings seem to indicate that they were each sent to different time periods. The oldest of which suggest that Alieth’s team, under the alias of Alia Ren, was sent back tens of thousands of years, possibly to the date that the legendary city fell, as priestesses of the Prophets. Though the writings are sparse, the mention of great ‘quakes’ that shook the city were both laid the blame on the ‘Priestesses’ and they were there to save the city.

Much later scrolls and drawings suggest that Carpenter’s team, under her alias of Major Kisra Kaproza were present around the time that the famed artist, Akorem Laan made his historic trip on his solar sail ship. Conflicting accounts suggest that the artist was actually being sought for arrest by the Ordos Maquis for crimes against the Prophets and the Bajoran-Cardassian Union.

The most recent scrolls and drawings point to Niac, known as Olguy Meen, were seen on Landing Day, which began the Occupation by Cardassian forces. Leaving some speculation as to whether or not his team may have aided or even encouraged the Resistance to form in the mountains of the Dhakur province.

We have reached out to the Bajoran Empire, the Bajoran-Cardassian Union, Pah Wraith Enthusiasts Society, and the Temporal Department of Investigation for clarification but have not received a response.

In unrelated news a surprising number of Bajorans have begun sporting the “Meen Beard”. We believe this to be based on the facial hair of a figure in several of those aforementioned cave paintings and scrolls.

Written by: Toryn Raga

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