Denali crew pursue a changeling saboteur

Denali crew pursue a changeling saboteur

DENALI STATION – The crew pursue a changeling that has been sabotaging a group of free Jem’Hadar who had set up a small farming colony on the Ring.

As the hunt for the changeling saboteur continued Commodore Oddas and Marine Gunnery Sergeant Hesan had been looking for clues inside an alien object that had been buried by the Jem’Hadar. Having gained entry they discovered tanks filled with some kind of liquid and a console that had been used minutes earlier. Concluding there had been someone, possibly the changeling, inside the device until moments ago the pair continued to investigate until the hatch they had entered by suddenly closes, trapping them inside.

Elsewhere Lt Commander Kettick’s team also remained trapped underground. With Commander Falt’s help they’d made some progress toward the surface, until they had found their exit blocked by a wall that had not been their when they’d entered. Hypothesising the wall had moved when they’d opened the previous door, similar to an airlock, Ensign Tanner tried the tricorder pulse that had worked on the previous door. After a few long minutes the wall lifted, leaving the team free access to the ladder back to the surface.

The group moved quickly to reach the exit, spurred on by a new, unfamiliar noise coming from the depths of the corridor they’d just left. Kettick was the only one who to see the creature below, and once upstairs he ensured the hatch was closed and secured before the team departed. Once outside Commander Falt attempted to check-in with Commodore Oddas, but was unable to raise her. He contacted the Eagle for an update, and once he was briefed on the situation he decided to lead the officers with him to search for Oddas whilst the others focused on finding the changeling. The group arrived at the buried object and on a hunch Ensign Tanner managed to open the hatch with his tricorder using the same sequence that made them exit the underground basement, freeing the Commodore.

In the hunt for the changeling Lat’ika, one of the Jem’Hadar, informed Prime Bekanar’Klan about the unidentified blood they had discovered and the erratic behaviour of another Jem’Hadar, Zirik’mal. Keen to find out what ha d happened Bekanar’Klan ordered Zirik’mal to explain himself, but the Jem’Hadar refused, before grabbing one of the Jem’Hadar children and attempting to escape with them as a hostage.

Based on Zirik’mal’s behaviour the Prime concludes they are the changeling, and Lat’ika and Lieutenant Vahin set out in pursuit. They manage to reach him just outside the village, where Lat’ika urges the false Zirik’mal to surrender while Vahin attempts to convince them to release the child. The changeling does not listen, but fortunately the young Jem’Hadar managed to break free and run away. With the hostage free a fire fight then broke out as reinforcements in the form of Bekanar’Klan, Zorkal and Lt Commander Williams arrived. Unfortunately, the changeling was able to take advantage of the confusion to escape by changing his shape before beaming away.

Moments later the officers aboard the Eagle manage to spot a ship about to depart. Alerted to the escaping Zirik’mal they attempt to use a tractor beam to trap the ship, but are unsuccessful. All they can do is watch as the unknown ship and its crew, likely including the false Zirik’mal, manage to escape.

With the escape of the changeling the mission came to an end and Oddas ordered the crew back to Denali, where they began a period of shore leave. Whilst a number of the crew, including some recent arrivals, took the opportunity to socialise Oddas was clashing with her superiors on the fate of the prisoners they’d recently brought back from an alternative reality. Unable to reconcile her feelings on the matter with the orders she was given the Commodore made the difficult decision to retire from Starfleet.

The rest of the crew are now preparing for the arrival of their new CO, and are keen to find out what will happen next.

Written by Tomas Falt

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