Ship Out of Time

Ship Out of Time

Unstable Temporal Wormhole, Gamma Quadrant – The crew of the USS Octavia E. Butler has returned after being flung through time.

While her Captain was away at a summit of the Gamma Flotilla Expeditionary Task Force, command of the Octavia E. Butler fell to her first officer, Avander Promontory assisted by Josh Herrick as acting XO. During what should have been a routine scientific scan of a local anomaly, the Octavia E. Butler was pulled into some sort of wormhole and, according to a follow-up investigation, flung approximately 800 years into the future.

Although the Department of Temporal Affairs was typically tight-lipped about the incident, a source within the department provided a few details of what the crew had been up to in the future.

The Octavia E. Butler sustained significant damage in transit and teams of engineers worked around the clock to restore systems and power. Despite additional explosions and continued temporal echoes, Chief Herrick and Ensigns Caras and Lahl were able to rescue a number of trapped botanists.

Meanwhile, the medical team, led by Dr. Toz, administered to a number of crew who were affected by temporal aphasia including El-Aurian crew who were experiencing Af-Kelt. More disconcerting, an intruder managed to board the ship and attack the medical staff before being subdued.

The damage to the ship was so extensive that it could not be repaired without additional parts. A trusted few operations and security officers were dispatched to a nearby trading station where they tried to blend in with the locals and obtain dilithium, which was at a premium.

A DTI agent stationed at that facility observed, “There was an attempt at maintaining the temporal prime directive, and they did reveal who they are, sadly, as the humans say, they were as subtle as a brick.” But the group returned without further incident.

Meanwhile, the acting CO of the Butler was seeing double as an 825-year old version of himself hailed the vessel to offer assistance and guidance. While details were kept to a minimum to avoid temporal pollution, the time-displaced crew learned that they needed to steal a time-crystal from a nearby arms dealer if they were able to make it home. Furthermore, they had to do this quickly, as the Cult of the Loom was in pursuit of any temporal deviations.

When pressed about how this heist went, or will go, our informant noted that the crew trying to provide a distraction experienced a premature explosion and a satellite engaged the main ship. When pressed for additional details about the heist, our contact became tight-lipped, saying, “I shouldn’t even have told you that!”

Written by: Endic

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