The Training Team Task is responsible for training all new applicants to prepare them to be posted to a ship within our fleet and are the first people new cadets interact with as they join our fleet. Today we meet with one of the Training Team Facilitators, Lt Commander Avander Promontory, to learn more about this important part of our community!
Nilsen: Let’s kick off with an overview of the Training Team. What is the team’s role in the fleet and how do you all fulfill that role?
Promontory: The Training Team serves many purposes. Of course, the most obvious is training, helping new potential recruits learn our particular style of gameplay. The training classes also serve as a good “try if before you buy it” exercise wherein the potential recruits can see if this is something they really want to commit to and we can get a sense of what sort of simmer they’re likely to be going forward.
The Training Team also serves as a training ground for command. As part of the requirements for attaining the rank of Commander, Captain, and beyond, everyone interested goes through several tours shadowing, assisting, and then running a training class. In that sense, it also serves as a good way to get to know other simmers across the fleet and to remind yourself of the basics of our process!
I currently serve as one of the training officers, running new classes (or assisting) when I’m able. We have an impressive cadre of volunteers who rotate through training responsibilities and I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute.
Nilsen: Why is the training team important to the fleet?
Promontory: The training team helps inject new life into the fleet. Sometimes that’s just replacing folks who need to take a break to focus on real life, other times, it helps us grow the fleet (and launch new ships!) New recruits also bring a fresh infusion of creativity and passion that helps the living fleet stay healthy.
Nilsen: What is your favourite thing about working on this task force?
Promontory: One of my favourite things is seeing cadets that I supervised go on and make good in the fleet. I have a little swell of pride when I see them contribute to their ships and the fleet generally.
Nilsen: How do you approach conducting training scenarios for new recruits? Do you have a favourite training scenario?
Promontory: Training scenarios are as open-ended or perhaps, more so than our missions. I set the cadets up and they run with it. Sometimes I gently put my hand on the steering wheel, but generally, I’m there to enhance their experience.
I still have a fond spot for the scenario I was trained on, but other than that, I don’t have a particular favourite. I’ve been working my way through all of our scenarios (there’s quite a few we have set up!)
Nilsen: Finally, if someone wanted to join the Training Team, how would they do it and what are the requirements to join?
Promontory: First, good solid, quality experienced simming (we want to set a good example for the new recruits!) But other than that, it’s as simple as sending a note to your CO who can formally recommend you to the team.
You can read more about Training Team on the wiki.
Thank you so much for your insights on the Training team!