Poll of the Month: I’m All Eras!

Poll of the Month: I’m All Eras!

The Star Trek universe has unlimited potential for storytelling.

Even with The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager all taking place within the same time period each show had its own unique premise but thanks to shows like Enterprise (later Star Trek: Enterprise) and Star Trek: Discovery, the Star Trek timeline has expanded beyond the 23rd and 24th centuries explored in the TOS and TNG eras, now featuring the 22nd century and, if including the ‘Short Trek’ episode ‘Calypso’, the 43rd century respectively.

We know that the Section 31 TV movie is set during ‘The Lost Era’ (the time between the original Star Trek movies and The Next Generation), there’s been a lot of talk of the next Star Trek cinematic release being a prequel and there are multiple shows in the works including Starfleet Academy which takes place in the 32nd century as well as the Tawny Newsome penned live action comedy, potentially in the vein of Parks & Recreation, that is believed to take place on the planet Risa in the 25th century.

With the Star Trek canon increasing to expand with new shows and movies, we’d love to ask you what era you would want the next Star Trek show or movie to take place and why?

Do you want to stick with something familiar or go where no one has boldly gone before?

Click here to head to the forums now and vote in this week’s poll on which you would choose, or let us know your own! Be sure to leave a comment in the thread!

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