Devious Orion Syndicate Program Wreaks Havoc on StarBase 118

Devious Orion Syndicate Program Wreaks Havoc on StarBase 118

STARBASE 118 – While the StarBase 118 Crew explores an immersive holodeck adventure centering around the Bell Riots an invasive AI named Lemoncable returns to destroy the crew and threaten the civilians on StarBase 118.

What started as a relaxing crew building exercise for many members of the new senior staff of StarBase 118 took a dramatic turn for the worse when Virtual Lifescapes, the starbase’s premier holodeck adventure salon was hijacked by an Orion Syndicate AI program that calls itself Lemoncable.

While the crew believed this foe was vanquished months earlier, Lemoncable reared its holographic head, locking the majority of the crew inside the simulation. In a race against time the senior staff had to solve head scratching puzzles and protect injured crew members as the holodeck turned increasingly dangerous.

Outside Virtual Lifescapes Commander Gogigobo Fairhug, LtCmdr. Solaris McLaren and Ens. T’Reyna investigated the anomalies coming from the station’s computer core, coming face to face with an Orion Syndicate mole. Following a chase and an armed confrontation the spy, Galun Joulek, was detained by Cmdr. Fairhug and Cmdr. McLaren.

Ens. T’Reyna stayed in the computer core where Lemoncable decided to pay her a visit. “You wouldn’t believe it.” Chief Petty Officer Ollie Hendricks reported. “One moment the CO and the chief of intel are running out and the next moment there’s a cat walking into the computer core. A cat! A talking cat no less. I know, weird, right? Anyways this cat has a conversation with the Ensign and then WHAM! Something exploded! The doors lock and the whole core is on fire and oh boy we were panicking! I ain’t ever lost a crewmember on my watch and I wasn’t about to start now! We were gonna cut those doors open if Captain Whittaker hadn’t gotten the systems back online.”

In the central computer node Capt. Theo Whittaker along with Lt. Korras, Lt. Morishita and the crew’s newest arrival Ens. Samuel Woolheater faced down some infected robotics that were intent on filling them full of phaser holes. The team was able to shut down the defensive measures and reset the computer systems just in time to beam Ens. T’Reyna to sickbay, and firewall Lemoncable from the holodecks.

Inside the holodeck Lt. Haukea Willow and Lt. JG Sasch Kreshkova were protecting the injured Doctor Corey Wethern from the advances of Lemoncable’s interference. At the same time LtCmdr. Shar’Wyn Foster, Lt. Vitor Tito and Ens. Ryden Kel battled Lemoncable head to head in a dangerous puzzle game to escape a locked room.

Once the system reset the holodeck teams were able to regroup and leave the holodeck to get some much needed medical treatment and some ever more needed adult beverages. 

Written by Sal Taybrim

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