NASSAU — Awards and a newly appointed FNS reporter show us that life on the Gorkon (NCC-82293) continues despite the ominous Borg threat.
Once upon a time, there was a Human boy who dreamed of a life among the stars. On Earth, he excelled in maths and somehow mastered the art of logistics and finding practical solutions to certain problems. His dream led him to the Starfleet Academy where, after four years of intense studying, he was assigned to the crew of this spiffy and grand Sovereign class ship, the USS Gorkon.
Little did this Human boy know the perils that awaited him, especially if one knew the ship’s history. The ship and its crew had a knack of finding them in difficult situations, ranging from running and fighting dinosaurs on a lush and green planet; diverting a rogue planet that was in a collision course with the Tyrellian moon Palanon; investigating cults on different occasions and locations; fought the Cardessian uprise in several dreamscapes; avoided the disappearance of the USS Triumphant’s crew in some weird particles; investigated a murder and the disappearance of a few cadets back on Pelian; risked their lives several times roaming Nassau undercover; and so many other adventures. But the most remarkable of all was the time the ship and its crew got trapped in an alternate universe where the Dominion ruled.
Each and every single time, the crew and the ship survived, though sometimes with casualties like during the happening that the Gorkon crew named ‘Over There’.
Would that knowledge have stopped our Human boy from joining the illustrious crew of the Gorkon? The only person who could answer that question, is the boy itself. Unfortunately, there was no other FNS-reporter around to interview this boy.
“I’ve become a Nassau/FNS reporter now, but it’s rather difficult to interview oneself, isn’t it?” At word is that Human boy going by the name Will Weg. “I’ve just witnessed my very first Award ceremony and it was a blast. Do I have to mention all the awards given? All I can say is, if anyone can fight the Borg and return us to our correct timeline, it’s this crew,” our newly appointed reporter declared.
Written by: Samira Neathle