With the first two phases of our Fleet Blockbuster event out of the way, we saw a slight decrease in overall sim numbers this month 2,265 total posts – averaging 206 per ship.

The Astraeus stole the show again this month with a whopping 502 sims! Behind them, we have the Chin’toka with 261 sims, and the Butler with 199.
Next up was the Khitomer and the Constitution with 187 and 185 sims respectively, followed by Denali Station, Amity Outpost, the Gorkon, the Ronin, and Starbase 118 Ops with 178, 176, 167, 153, and 147 sims respectively. At the end of the pack this month is the Artemis with 119 sims.
August saw the conclusion of the second phase of our Fleet Blockbuster event, and a lot of posts on the Appreciations forum as a result!