BAROSSA NEBULA – With reconstruction efforts nearing completion, Ambassador Vataix and her blended crew of Diplomatic Corps staff and Starfleet officers face the difficult task of rebuilding trust with the Delta Quadrant community.
In the aftermath of the Frontier Day disaster, Starfleet is facing a difficult recovery. The event has led to an unprecedented loss of personnel, with record numbers of academy drop-outs and resignations all across the fleet. Despite these setbacks, the Federation remains steadfast in its commitment to maintaining a Starfleet presence across the galaxy, including their most remote space station, located in the Delta Quadrant.
Many Amity Outpost residents remain skeptical about Starfleet’s ability to ensure their safety. A former business owner on Amity’s mezzanine, whose store has remained shuttered since Frontier Day, noted their uncertainty: “I’m still weighing the pros and cons. One doesn’t wish to hold such a terrible thing against Starfleet, but now that the galaxy knows how vulnerable they are, I find it hard to believe they can keep me safe aboard the Outpost.”
Lt. JG Kaito Moore, a Security and Tactical Officer, acknowledged these concerns, stating: “Drills, drills, drills. Best way to be ready is to drill, and that is what we are doing. On top of that, we’ve started practicing alternatives to traditional security protocols and procedures.” While the patrolling officer wasn’t able to provide specific details about the station’s ‘alternative’ security procedures, he did add that “Amity is a unique station, with out of the ordinary threats, so security’s goal is to train to be extraordinary.”
Meanwhile, staff aboard Amity seem committed to achieving normalcy, although the process has been slow and challenging for many. No other senior staff members were available for comment, with reports suggesting most took lengthy leave periods on Earth and elsewhere in the Alpha Quadrant before returning to duty – and according to Starfleet statistics, a significant portion are still undergoing mental and physical therapy to cope with the aftermath of Frontier Day.
One of the few willing to speak, junior Science Officer, Ens. Niev Galanis, offered insight into why they chose to remain in service when many of their peers have resigned: “Because the Federation is still here. Because of the people still putting one foot in front of the other.” The young Centauran, Amity’s newest arrival, elaborated: “Starfleet was brought to its lowest… but if we refused to stand back up whenever we were knocked down, none of us would have made it off our home worlds. I’m staying for those we’ve lost, and those who still need us.”
Despite these challenges, Amity Outpost’s staff continue their work, determined to uphold Starfleet’s values in the Delta Quadrant. Their perseverance serves as a reminder that the Federation’s spirit of exploration and cooperation endures, even in the face of immense adversity.
Written by: Arthur Summerside