August 2021
Taskforce in Focus – Wiki Ops Squadron
The Wiki Operations Squadron (Wiki Ops for short) is responsible for is a squadron of members that help organize efforts to keep the wiki updated (such as on the Face
Crew of the Arrow reclaims their own lives following a body swap
DEEP SPACE 3 — After securing the trust and cooperation of the ultra-conservative Gentii species, the USS Arrow (NCC-69829) took shore leave on Starfleet station Deep Space 3.
Poll of the Month: Women’s Equality
Women’s Equality Day is celebrated in the United States on August 26th. That is the anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave
It’s time to chat! Join us today for our monthly fleetwide party.
Join us in the chat room for our monthly OOC chat today (Saturday, August 14th) at 3:30 pm Pacific / 6:30pm Eastern / 11:30pm London / 8:30 am, August 15th,
USS Veritas caught in time loop with 22nd Century freighter
BAJAK LAUT SECTOR — The USS Veritas (NCC-95035) discovered a freighter caught in a time loop as the captain researched a 22nd-century mystery.
Lower Decks: Lieutenant Lephi & Lieutenant Elizabeth Snow, USS Chin’toka
We’re here with another interview with a couple of newer members of our community. The title of this column is “Lower Decks,” hearkening back to the Star Trek: The Next
Join us for the fleetwide chat this coming Saturday, August 14th!
We invite all members of our community to join us in the Discord chat room on Saturday, August 14th at 3:30 pm Pacific, 11:30 pm UTC. This month is a
Applications and Academy Graduates: July 2021
Every month, the Academy staff works to compile the statistics about our recruiting and training for the fleet’s informational purposes. Let’s take a look at how we did as a
25th Annual Awards Attendee Commemorative Coin
For 25 years now, our community has hosted an awards ceremony every year to honour the accomplishments and commitments of simmers who make this game so fun to play! In
First Officer in Focus – Addison MacKenzie, USS Resolution
Each month we interview a First Officer or Commanding Officer of the fleet as part of our “First Officer in Focus” and “Captain’s Corner” columns to get to know them
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports
Crew of USS Constitution faces possible sabotage
USS Ronin and USS Khitomer lead ill fated surprise attack, leave Deep Space 33 vulnerable to assault
USS Octavia E. Butler Faces Haunting Mysteries in Search for Missing Unity Dow
Latest News
Award winner – Evan Ross, OPs (Blk Cross- Intel.)
OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.