July 2011
June 2011 Applications and Referrals
Each month, the Publicity Team posts the number of applications our community received for the previous month and how those applicants found our group. This summary will give you an
New Graduates
Please welcome our newest class of Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: Bree Arlin, Bodan Landar, Gregg Lesommer, Leah St. James, and Ser Vilari!
June 2011 Academy Graduates
Each month, we want to keep you apprised of the number of graduates from the Starbase 118 Academy. Unfortunately, not all applicants graduate from the Academy because the either do
Poll of the Week: Are You Too Old For Cartoons?
This week, Poll of the Week asks whether you see yourself as too old for cartoons. Does the sickly sweet, brightly-coloured cartoon industry send you reaching for the off button
The Oddest Jobs in StarFleet IV
Captain, first officer, chief of security, chief medical officer. These posts, and many more, are staples of every simming ship and installation. But what about the lesser known positions –
Obscure Dangers of Spaceflight: Heatstroke
Part four of our six part ‘Obscure Dangers of Spaceflight’ series focuses on something that plenty of human’s suffer from right here on Earth: Heatstroke. Want to see the first
Captain’s Corner – Sam Perkins
It’s time for another up close look at one of the Commanding Officers that helps our group continue it’s great journey of exploration! This time, we take the turbolift to
Star Trek: Infinite Space
Infinite Space is first browser based Star Trek MMO, suitable for quick launch break assignments as well as long exploration nights. The game will be free to play, with no
Poll of the Week: Theme of Dreams
This week, Poll of the Week asks which is the best of the opening themes from the Star Trek live action series. Do you find yourself soothed by Deep Space
New Academy Graduates
Please welcome our newest class of Academy graduates to the UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet: Zinna!
We are a star trek roleplaying game
Latest Mission Reports
Memories of Combat Fade, Bonds Strengthen for USS Khitomer
Latest News
Lower Decks interview: Lieutenant JG Sevantha Saa, USS Astraeus.
OOC Activities
Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities that are looking for members like yourself! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you’ll fit in.