This award is the highest honor given to any officer, and as of yet none have been awarded it in the history of the group. It is given to an officer who helps develop and/or invents a new way of simming, a new way of thinking, or a new way of looking at the Star Trek universe. Only given once per ceremony.
As we enter into our 12th year as an online club devoted to star trek, community, writing, and role playing it fitting that we finally issue our first great bird award. The Executive Council hereby awards to Fleet Admiral Wolf the Great Bird Award, 2383.01.11.
Admiral Wolf’s achievement within UFOP are so frequent that like air they are taken for granted. Ideas that he has brought to the fleet quickly become ‘the way we have always done things. Admiral Wolf founded 1994. To create an online game is perhaps no great idea. To create a club with all the infrastructure that goes with creating a club takes time, effort, and most of all Vision.
- Training – the first major overhaul of training was laid out by Admiral Wolf and R. Admiral marlin in 2000. Since then it has been perfected by others but it follows the original guide lines they laid down.
- UPDS – Yes there was a time before we conveniently kept track of members, characters, ships, training, requests, and award ceremonies in one online data base. Previous everything was tracked individually using excel spread sheets, word documents, and stored email.
- UFOP Forums – Chat boards are nothing new. The Forums however replaced our chat boards and lead directly to the involvement of many junior members in UFOP administration. Not only are their forum moderators but areas to discuss UFOP and forms.
- WIKI – Still new to the club, this feature is impacting the way we store information for our collective universe in a dramatic way and our approach to Ship Web Sites. Already it is so popular the EC created a special award (Sarpeidon) for it. Like UPDS it encourages the sense of community.
- Updated Website – Web sites are a standard feature to the online world. In 2004-2005 UFOPs was updated with a sleeker more modern design.
- IDIC – Infinite Diversity Infinite Combination – This is what I am calling Wolf’s dramatic stand on UFOPs inclusive nature. As a Commander I knew a Captain who threatened to quit if a homosexual simmed a relationship on their vessel. Today because of Wolf’s leadership on the issue we have clear standards of acceptance. This standard is not limited to sexuality but includes the full range of diversity.
Admiral Wolf is a Visionary leader. He has in his head what UFOP should be and how UFOP should act. It allows us to steer our course with confidence. His vision is for a club that fosters Community, Good Writing, Role Play, and Star Trek.
Over the years he has devoted time, money, effort and most importantly creativity to UFOP. We can only hope he devotes another 12 years to this club. The EC salutes you Admiral Wolf!
Rear Admiral Anassasi
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Vice Admiral Hollis